10 Of The Coolest Truck Advertisements Made

Design, Lists, Other, Social

Advertising has come a long way in recent years, with so many mediums able to showcase a company’s advertisement. From cars, buses and trucks, to the internet, billboards and television, the way you can show your advertisement is almost limitless. Advertisements can also come in many shapes and sizes, with many companies trying to one up everyone else by being creative. So, if you’re ready to see some awesome truck advertisements, continue reading — you won’t be disappointed.


They’re so hot and spicy they’ll make your truck turn to ash.


That looks like a nice big refreshing alcoholic beverage.


It’s so good, all the guys are trying to get into it.


Take a break with a KitKat.

Coca Cola Zero

If you’re extremely thirsty, just drink one of these huge refreshing Coke Zeros.


How cute are the kittens on the back of the truck!


Well you can tell it’s a Mini by the size of the hole on the back of the truck.


We’re not sure what this advertisement truck is supposed to be for, but if you called the number we’re sure you’d find out.


Who wants some sushi?

Edding 500 Permanent Marker

It comes in any size.