10 Awesome Photos Taken At The Right Time

Funny, Lists, Nature, Other, Photography

There are more than a billion photos taken each and every day, and that means that more often than not someone catches a picture of something truly amazing. Capturing an image at just the right time is incredibly difficult to do, but as the images in our list show, it’s not impossible! Whether it’s an awesome picture of a dog eating a bubble, or the flames from a fire forming in to what looks like a skull with beautiful golden hair, these images will surely amaze you. So, if you want to see some hilarious photos that were taken at just the right moment, read on!

Bubble Eater

That’s the cutest little bubble eater we’ve ever seen.

Little Hat

Don’t you just love how small his hat is?


Taken at the right time, you could make your dog look more like Rudolph.

Dragon Cloud

That is the most amazing cloud we’ve ever seen!

Shark Five

Isn’t it cute that sharks give high fives to snorkelers? Or is it a high-one, since they don’t have fingers?

Cat Abs

What nice abs you have there little cat.

Cool Fire

Ghost Rider, is that you?

Focus Is Key

This dog looks very surprised to be seeing a treat coming straight for him.


The old man has lived through his caterpillar years, now it’s his time to be a beautiful butterfly.

Water Dancing

This guy is so good at break dancing that he can do it on water — maybe he’d make Jesus jealous!