Girl Takes Cardboard Cutout Of Danny DeVito To Prom & His Response Is Hilarious

Girl Takes Cardboard Cutout Of Danny DeVito To Prom & His Response Is Hilarious

Earlier last month, 17-year-old Allison Closs didn’t have anyone to take to prom, so she decided to take her idol. Closs said that all of the good guys were taken, and the guys that were left over she didn’t want to go to prom with. So, being the awesome teen she is, she bought a prom date from Amazon.

Allison decided to buy a cardboard cutout of Danny DeVito from Amazon and a small skateboard to wheel him around on. She taped the cutout to the skateboard and used a leash to pull her new prom date around. Her story went viral – even appearing on local news outlets, and thankfully it did because Danny’s response was incredible.

Rob McElhenney, a writer for It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia, posted on Instagram that Danny DeVito took a cardboard cutout of Allison Closs to Paddy’s Pub, a bar in the TV show. McElhenney’s post said “Hey Allison- I heard you took cardboard Danny to Prom. What a coincidence. He took cardboard Allison to Paddy’s…”