Jimmy Fallon & Russell Crowe Honor Earth Day With Protest Song
UncategorizedTo celebrate Earth Day and the five-year anniversary of the BP Oil Spill, Jimmy Fallon and Russell Crowe decided to perform a hilarious song. The song titled, ‘Balls in Your Mouth’ was a protest song about tar balls and the effect it has on the environment and animals. ‘Balls in Your Mouth’ pretty much described what would happen to you if you decided to swim in the ocean — tar balls would eventually end up in your mouth.
Jimmy Fallon originally wrote ‘Balls in Your Mouth‘ back in 2010 about the BP oil spill. Fallon said the he is still upset about tar balls still washing up on the shore. Russell Crowe chimed in on the double entendre song and said that it’s a great way to get the message out about saving the environment.
“I think it’s great! I think it really gets to the heart of the matter. It really does. I think BP should come here and get on their knees right in front of you!“
Russell Crowe eventually grabbed a guitar and began singing the protest song alongside Fallon. Jimmy Fallon has previously done ‘Balls in Your Mouth’ duets with Brad Paisley, Eddie Vedder and Florence Welch.