Prince Ea’s Video Shows How Climate Change Will Affect Our World
UncategorizedRapper and spoken word artist Prince Ea made a video earlier this week that could easily bring the strongest person to tears. In the video, he touched on issues like pollution, climate change, environmental issues globally, and how everything that we are doing today will affect the generations to come. He specifically talked about how rapidly we are cutting and burning down trees for the purpose of manufacturing and developing new products. In the last 100 years, 50% of all of the world’s trees have been demolished. He imagines that in the future, people won’t even know what trees are really like. One of the most compelling things he said was, “We had the nerve to call this destruction, progress.“
Our regressive treatment of the environment is shameful, and this video only brings that further to light. Denying that climate change exists will not fix the problem. Hopefully this video will open up your eyes to the small changes that you can make to help work towards a cleaner, greener planet!