Little Boy Has Epic Meltdown After Stepping In Dog Poop


There are some videos that just make you want to laugh — and be glad you are not the person in that video — and this is definitely one of them. This little boy just stepped in some dog poop in the backyard and he is definitely not happy about the situation, but his parents (and us) got a good laugh out of it.

We can’t blame him though, as dog poop is a pretty disgusting thing. Heck, poop from any living thing is a pretty disgusting thing! So, stepping in it without any shoes on would make us freak out too! He is not excited about it and all he wants is a paper towel, but his parents had to get the reaction on camera so this kid could have something to look back on and regret for years to come.

Get a good laugh and check out this kid’s meltdown right here!