Exploding Plants Makes Learning Biology A Bit More Interesting


Most people these days tend to stop learning after they leave High School or College. However, that’s a pretty bad idea, as there is a lot of interesting stuff going on in the world today that deserves a spot in your brain. Exploding plants are the latest bit of information that you should probably make room for.

Smithsonian, one of the number one locations for learning about everything in our interesting world, recently uploaded a video that details various plants that become so pressurized they simply explode with the slightest of touches. The plants covered in the new video include violets, touch-me-nots, and squirting cucumbers.

The seeds within these plants are dispersed upon growing to fruition by exploding from the pod of the plant and spreading into the wild. We can only imagine what it’d be like to view this in person and get hit in the face by an exploding plant.