This Guy Parked In A Handicapped Spot. You Won’t Believe What Happened


One inherent truth in life is that you never park in a handicapped space if you aren’t handicapped yourself. Generally, you might get a ticket or yelled at by a few people, but this team of karma police take it to the next level.

When a group of people saw a particularly awful parker taking advantage of a handicapped spot they decided to ensure everyone knew exactly what he had done wrong. They completely covered his car from top to bottom is blue post-it notes and added white ones in the shape of a wheel chair on the doors and hood. Essentially, they turned his car into a large disabled parking sign.

Seeing his reaction is where the real action happens as he is clearly upset, but receives no sympathy from the masses as they razz him on with jeers and yelling. His meagre attempts to clear off the post-its falls very short and he speeds off dangerously with just a small area of his windshield cleared off.

Brazilian pranksters Canal Boom have taken responsibility for the post-it assault.