Learn This Simple Trick That Could Save a Baby’s Life
UncategorizedIt’s a scary statistic, but a reported average of 12,400 children and babies end up in the E.R. for choking.
Babies have a tendency to put anything and everything in their mouths. Infants, toddlers and children can easily choke on seemingly harmless things: food, toys, household items, and more. Parents have probably seen at least one incident where their children choked on food or other non-fatal item. Sadly, 4 out of 5 parents don’t know what to do when their baby chokes. If they don’t act fast, this could lead to a terrible tragedy!
St. John’s Ambulance’s latest advertisement entitled ‘The Chokables’ teaches parents what to do when a baby chokes. In the video, four common choking hazards serve as characters in the ad: a pen lid, princess toy, marble and jellybean, teach you the correct method on how to clear the air canal of a choking child. This simple trick is so easy to learn but can help save a life!
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