This Poor Dog Is Too Stoned to Function after Eating a Pot-laced Rice Krispy Treat


As marijuana enjoys legal status in more and more places, it’s important to remember that not everybody enjoys pot. Dogs, for example, hate the stuff. In fact, it’s highly poisonous to them and can even be fatal. That’s why all weed-smoking dog owners should heed this advice: keep your drugs locked away somewhere safe, away from the long snout and hungry jaws of your four-legged friends.

Tony Costa learned this lesson the hard way, after his beloved Siberian Husky got into a friend’s backpack and ate a marijuana-laced Rice Krispie treat. This poor pup goes completely limp as he has the trip to end all trips.

While the video is entertaining, Costa said he uploaded it for educational purposes, saying he hopes the video will keep someone else from making the same mistake.