Bumble Bee Pays $6 Million After Worker Dies In Their Oven

Bumble Bee Pays $6 Million After Worker Dies In Their Oven

Bumble Bee tuna company just had to pay out a huge sum of $6 million after a worker got trapped in their oven and died. The death of Jose Melena at the company’s plant in Santa Fe Springs, California, actually ended up with the company getting legal charges against them.

The workers have to climb inside of the ovens to clean them out. Obviously, this is not safe and as part of the settlement these are all going to be replaced and that will cost them $3 million. That should help prevent this from happening in the future, but it doesn’t excuse what happened.

He actually died because his co-workers didn’t know he was in the oven. They loaded it up with tuna and turned it on to start cooking. Melena died inside and now his family is getting a settlement of $1.5 million. The majority of the money is being spent by Bumble Bee on fines. Luckily nobody else has ended up in one of their ovens since, but that doesn’t make this loss any better.