Adorable Beagle Puppy Hangs On To The Window As It Goes Up


If you own a dog, or have seen dogs hitching a ride with their owners with the windows rolled down, there is no greater pleasure for our furry friends to stick their head out and enjoy some sun, the wind, and of course, to smell all the wonderful smells modern society has to offer.

This particular beagle puppy is one great example of a dog who wants just that. With its huge, floppy ears and an adorable face, who would deny the puppy its day in the sun? Well, someone certainly tried to. Watch as the window rolls up, and see how hard man’s best friend fights to keep it down. Hanging on the window with both of its tiny paws, staying strong while the inevitable sinks in.

Our hearts go out to the cute puppy, and we certainly hope that the owners let the dog have its way, and a car ride with the window rolled down and its cute head stuck out the window is the least it deserves!