Referee Gets Taken Down By San Antonio High School Players After Bad Call
UncategorizedBeing a referee is not an easy job by any means. Not only do you have to be agile and limber enough to keep up with the action, you need to be on top of every play and practically stay one step ahead of the game. Whenever a referee slips up, it can be almost tragic for a game and errors sometimes become the determining factor between a team winning and losing. Having bad decisions go your way during crucial parts of the game has become an important element in sports now. Although most people refrain from displaying their feelings towards the referee, in good faith and because it is against the rules, this San Antonia High School team had other ideas.
You can clearly see players ganging up and tackling the referee in the video below. We are not sure about what the referee did to deserve this but this looks like a scene straight out of ‘The Longest Yard’.