Comedic Actor Makes Major Strides In Guatemala Presidential Election

Comedic Actor Makes Major Strides In Guatemala Presidential Election

The rising levels of corruption in various world governments has seen the emergence of many interesting, independent candidates over the past few years. Guatemala has faced a similar situation when their former President, Otto Perez, resigned after facing massive corruption charges. The new election has seen the emergence of popular comedic actor Jimmy Morales who has coasted his way into the position of leading candidate.

The actor has made his way to the top of the polls using the slogan ‘not corrupt, not a thief’. This seems to reflect the sentiments of the people who are looking to change the political landscape of the country by voting for an alternative party. The second round of voting is supposed to take place on October 25, and Morales has promised a transparent government if he does win the upcoming round. Morales played on his humble background of selling bananas and used clothes as a youth and drew constant references to his hit television series ‘Morals’, that seemed to have made a connection with the people. The world remains glued to these fascinating events as the country could possibly see an entertainer occupying the highest post in government very soon.