Never Get In An Elevator With Someone Who Has Explosive Diarrhea


Prank videos are all the rage these days on YouTube. There are hundreds, if not thousands, of channels available on the media streaming service that offer some of the best shows and the very best gags around. This more recent prank, however, is both disgusting and hilarious.

The prankster enters the elevator, which has two people in it the first time and only a sole rider the second time. He then fakes having stomach pains, doubling over with the feeling, and farting uncontrollably in some instances. Upon preparing for the explosive diarrhea, he bends over with his butt facing towards the intended victims.

Then it is time, a disgusting mixture is expelled from his pants (which is not poop) and is thrown against the walls and the people in the elevator. Some grow angry, others freak out and try to escape as quickly as possible. Overall, it’s entirely gross.