10 Crazy Photographers Who Will Stop At Nothing To Capture The Perfect Shot
Lists, Other, Photography, Shocking, Social, WeirdAmazing photography takes skill, dedication, willpower and the kink for adventure. In order to get the right shot, you must catch the perfect lighting, have the right angle, the perspective must be right and you need to know when and where to shoot. Sometimes the right photographs take planning and preparation and going to the North Pole or jumping into murky waters. The craziest world’s photographers won’t let anything stop them from getting a perfect shot, not even a bear or a possible shark attack. Here’s ten of the craziest photographers who take all the risks!
Fire Shot
While everyone must say that this photographer and his tripod are on fire, what is actually happening is him taking the perfect shot.
Deathly Shot
While brutal and harmful attacks from the ones you would least expect it from do happen, the only thing you can do is get up and keep shooting.
Bendy Shot
Sometimes to get the perfect shot, you need to be flexible and bendy, twisting yourself in half to avoid laying on the pavement.
Nature Shot
Building actual snow camouflage huts leads to close ups of foxes.
Swan Shot
While the other swans were a bit suspicious of their weird friend, this actually took a lot of planning and execution.
Selfie Shot
If you think you are able to take cool selfies, you are wrong. This is the level of selfie-taking that tops all the others.
Wave Shot
Standing up to the incredible force of water and possibly risking getting killed is still worth capturing this shot.
Bear Shot
The bear got mad because nobody paid him, even though he’s got strict rules about the fees all linked through his modelling contract.
Frog Shot
Murky waters don’t scare him.
Shot Shot
To be shot or not to be shot. It goes either way.