Blind Woman Gets To ‘See’ Unborn Child Thanks To 3D Printing
UncategorizedAdvancing technology is making all kinds of amazing things possible that people could not have dreamed of in previous decades. One of the most groundbreaking of recent times is 3D printing, a technique that allows printers to create almost anything imaginable by layering materials together. It has been used to create specialist equipment, prosthetic limbs and exact replicas, among a wide range of other things.
Perhaps the most emotional use for the technology though came this week. 30-year-old Tatiana Guerra has been blind since she was 17 and was therefore not able to experience the hugely exciting moment that parents go through when they get to see their unborn child for the first time through an ultrasound.
Using a 3D printer, doctors were able to recreate the ultrasound and create a life-size model of the baby in the womb so that Tatiana could ‘see’ her child through her sense of touch. The video captures the moment when the Brazilian was surprised with the 3D model, creating a pretty emotional scene for everyone involved.