Boring Office Job Day Made Into A GoPro Commercial


Doing the same things every day at work can be a bore, especially if you’re stuck in a office doing repetitive work. YouTube user Braziliandanny decided to make the best out of the situation and brought his GoPro camera with him to work and captured his day. The added bonus? He edited the video so it looks like he had an interesting and highly stimulating job day. The clips were switching from one task to another, all completely standard office procedures. But backed up with a great soundtrack, it looks like a big-budget commercial.

The maker decided to prove how his 9-5 office job is just as thrilling as all the adventure sports featured on GoPro commercials. He works in a real estate firm, as he explains on Reddit. He goes about his daily job duties — faxing, surfing the Internet, and the clip also features him going to the bathroom, getting lunch, etc. In that intense GoPro style, the result is impressive. Here’s to GoPro seeing the video which already has almost a million views in less than a day.