Dead Raccoon Gets Royal Treatment In Toronto

Dead Raccoon Gets Royal Treatment In Toronto

If wild animals in the state start migrating to Toronto you’ll now know why. It’s being Torontonians seem to care an awful lot for their road kill, or at least they like to have some fun with it. Recent news reports of a dead raccoon found Thursday on the Yonge and Church Streets show that after animal services was called the coon remained lying in its place of death for at least a few more hours.

Instead of just letting the dead animal be, people began leaving photos, flowers, and notes for the deceased critter. You would think that it was the town’s mascot or someone’s beloved pet. Because so many people were going to social media about the dead mammal it even got its own hashtag, #DeadRaccoonTO.

It was around 9 in the morning when the dead animal was reported, and not until 11 pm was he picked up and discarded into a trash bag, leaving only the memorial as a reminder of his death.