Florida Gun Shop Owner Offers Discount For 9/11 Week With Promo Code “Muslim”

Florida Gun Shop Owner Offers Discount For 9/11 Week With Promo Code “Muslim”

Andy Hallinan, owner of Florida Gun Supply, decided to use a highly unorthodox and questionable strategy to promote his store during 9/11 week. He considered it appropriate to post the following tweet regarding the sale at his store: “It’s 9/11 week. Use coupon code “muslim” at our site for $25 off any gun. Come in Fri for a free car wash and beer!

Andy decided to elaborate further on his crystal clear views by giving the following sound bite during an interview with MSNBC: “At the end of the day, I am compelled to stand up for what I believe in. And I believe Islam is evil at its core“.

9/11 week is a pretty bad time to be talking about religion tolerance, but using the tragedy to promote one’s store while propagating negative stereotypes does not seem appropriate either. He went on to further clarify his views by saying: “I don’t believe that every Muslim is evil at their core, but I do believe that the extreme political correctness in the U.S. leads to loss of life. And that’s why I have promotions like these designed to combat that kind of political correctness.

Andy Hallinan was in the news earlier this year for declaring his shop a “Muslim-free zone” after the shooting related incidents in Chattanooga. There are many sides to the war on terrorism and even the subtle one on Islam, but it appears very clear which side of the fence Andy seems to be sitting on.