Hot Girl Pranks Guys With Her ‘Balls’ And Their Reactions Are Priceless
UncategorizedImagine this: you are a guy and you are out for a walk in the park and you walk up to a hot girl. The guys are excited to see this girl and they are happy to help her out, as she is lost and needs some directions. As they are giving directions, another guy walks by and “bumps into her,” which causes her to drop all the papers in her hands. What happens next will shock you!
Apparently a company out there makes real-looking balls, except they seem to droop to the ground when this girl bends over! She bends over to pick up her papers and out they come and these guys are all shocked. They don’t know what to do next and some of them just walk away and take her papers with them!
It is funny to see their reactions, even if the balls are overly exaggerated. Check out the prank here!