Lego Matrix May Surpass The Original Film


Legos are a timeless classic form of entertainment that both children and adults can enjoy – as long as he lights are on and you’re not barefoot. However, when you’re an adult, you need to come up with other ways to enjoy these favorite toys. This individual decided Neo and Trinity deserve to be brought to life in the form of a Lego fight.

The individual behind the video, who goes by the name of Snooperking, decided it would be best to recreate the entire lobby scene from the first Matrix film, which was one of the best portions of the entire science fiction movie. It is incredibly interesting to see the entire scene play out in brick-fashion.

It’s hard to fathom the amount of work and time that went into such a video, especially considering he recreates the ballistics, blood, explosions, and high-flying martial arts moves the franchise is known for. Stop Motion is a wonderful tool.