Man Hires Private Investigator To Follow Wife, Who Was Sleeping With The Investigator’s 17 Year-Old Son
Paul Telford hired a private investigator to follow his estranged wife, Amber Telford, in order to find out if she is cheating on him. However, nobody could have expected what the private investigator discovered. The investigator apparently walked in on Telford’s wife naked under the covers in her dance studio with the private investigator’s 17-year-old son. The teenager was a student at her dance school and Telford allegedly used to pick him up during the night and shower him with gifts.
The affair occurred at Telford’s home in Utah, her mother’s home and in a vehicle belonging to Amber Telford. The age of consent in Utah for females is sixteen, however for men it’s eighteen. Additionally, no one under the age of eighteen can legally consent to sex with someone who is more than ten years older than them. Telford has been sentenced to 30 days in jail, along with 150 hours of community service.