Massive Boeing Prepares For 2015 Paris Air Show By Taking Off Vertically


If you’ve never been on an airplane, then you may not know that the Boeing is one of the largest airplanes to grace the blue skies above. It takes a lot of skill to fly this monster, which holds hundreds of passengers on every single flight it takes. So, seeing something like the take-off in this new video from Boeing is a bit shocking and awe-inspiring.

The flight crew of the Boeing 787-9 Dreamliner prepare themselves for the 2015 Paris Air Show by rehearsing the display they intend to perform in front of the crowds. Thankfully, the plane company recorded a preview of what everyone can expect.

Within the video, the Boeing crew manages to take their jumbo jet off the runway almost completely vertically. The pilot probably had to pull back on the stick with all his might to get the plane at that kind of an angle, but it appeared to be worth it for viewers.