Sick Father Experiences Unforgettable Day With His Two Daughters
UncategorizedCharlie Kwentus has been battling a brain tumor for the past 16 years. He is lives in Missouri with his wife and 2 daughters. Two years ago he quit treatment to find a better life while he still could. Charlie and his wife, Courtney Beers, started working with a local organization named Annie’s Hope. Annie’s Hope is a Bereavement Center for children in St. Louis. Charlie and his wife did this to help his daughters, Zoe, 13, and Maren, 9, deal with their father’s illness.
One of his daughters commented on how he wouldn’t be there for her wedding. Becky Byrne, executive director of Annie’s Hope, was told about the comment and started going to work. She was able to get local businesses to make donations and put together a special day for them to remember.
The day consisted of beautiful dresses, pretty hair, a fancy limo, and a Father-Daughter dance. Charlie also made a toast to his daughters and their future. “If you do get married, I’d like you to choose someone that makes you feel special,” he said. He said the night was more than he could have “ever imagined“. Byrne added that the family strives to live each day as if “every moment was a gift“.