“Stop A Douchebag” Movement Targeting Russian Drivers
A group of Russian activists are beginning to gain a lot of attention across the world thanks to the power of the Internet. The group started what is known as the ‘Stop A Douchebag‘ movement in an attempt to get bad Russian drivers to follow the basic traffic laws of their country. The activists are made up of primarily young people who are trying to right the wrongs the police have been ignoring from these motorists.
The motorists in question tend to rarely follow traffic laws, refusing to park their vehicles properly, and endangering the lives of pedestrians walking on the sidewalks within their respective cities. The activists place a giant sticker across the windshield of those with questionable driving habits, allowing everyone in the immediate area to know what they have done.
The group films every single encounter and uploads it to their YouTube channel. Unfortunately, they tend to run into a lot of crazy people. One of the more recent video uploads shows a cage fighter taking on one of the activists. It’s brutal to behold.
The sticker placed upon people’s windows isn’t exactly small, so the drivers tend to get rather annoyed with the interference.