These People Thought They Were Walking Into A Normal Elevator, They Were Wrong!


How would you react if you walked into an Elevator and you were attacked by a ninja? A few unlucky people had to answer that question when they entered what they thought was an active elevator. Little did they know that they were walking into a trap. Yousef Erakat was in there waiting for them, dressed as a ninja, ready to attack. Don’t worry, it’s a prank, but it’s great to watch people’s reactions as the ninja begins to “attack” them. Some reactions are better than others, but the best one is the very last one. You should definitely stick around till the end

This video is the first in a series of two. The second video takes place in the same elevator, but he’s wearing a new costume. It’s impressive that so many people would even get in the elevator after seeing who they’d be sharing it with. How would you react in that situation? Would you retaliate, or just stand there and laugh?