This Powerful Video About Body Positivity Is A Must See


Cassey Ho is a certified fitness instructor, with over two million YouTube subscribers, who creates popular workout videos on her YouTube channel blogliates. Ho was named Greatist’s Top 25 Health & Fitness Influencers in the World alongside Michelle Obama and is also the winner of the “Social Fitness” Shorty Award and FITNESS Magazine named her their “Best Healthy Living Blogger”. She has been featured on Dr. Oz, EXTRA TV, The Steve Harvey Show and has made a name for herself with her 5-minute workout videos. Her newest video is not about getting those abs, but about addressing people whose negative comments have hurt her over the span of her career, sharing a powerful message under the slogan: What would you change?

Ho wrote down in the caption about what led her to create the video: “When you look in the mirror, are you happy with what you see? Or do you stare at yourself, pinching your fat away, lifting up your butt, pushing in your boobs? It’s hard to be content with the shape of your body when people are constantly telling you how fat you are, how much weight you need to lose, how much weight you need to gain . . . what do people want? The body shaming, the mean comments, the cyber bullying — all of this messes with us… and it hurts. So what if I changed? What if I had a slimmer waist and a bigger butt? Would everyone be happy then?” The video should serve as a reminder that we should be all working towards being healthy and not trying to achieve perfection, as we’re all beautiful just the way we are.