Watch Neil Patrick Harris Go Undercover And Trick The Judges In ‘The Voice’


Neil Patrick Harris is truly a great showman and entertainer. His new show attempts to put his multiple talents to use in order to get some laughs and pull a fast one on famous people. The show is called ‘Best Time Ever’ and this video is an episode highlight in which NPH goes undercover to fool the judges on ‘The Voice’.

The premise was fairly simple; dress NPH is as the Austrian host of ‘The Voice’ and make him interview the celebrated panel of the American version of the show which includes Adam Levine and Pharrell Williams. NPH continues to make things really weird during his interview and later returns to deliver a great singing performance and thoroughly confuse the judges. The new show ‘Best Time Ever’ seems to have a lot of promise and anything that gives NPH more screen time gets a big thumbs-up from our end.